In the Planet Personality website, I took the Big Five-short IPIP version. According to the test, I have low expressive style, meaning I don't really express my feelings easily. According to the test, I have high interpersonal style which means I tend to be sympathetic to other people. My work style is also high, which means that I tend to take promises and commitments very seriously. My emotional style is very high, which means I can get irritable very easily. For intellectual style, I tend to 'give in' to traditions, but will accept new solutions if they are proven valid. In other words, I'm progressive, but I do not give in to flights of fancy. This test seems to be proven more reliable because I have a choice from a range of 1-5. However, I do not think the emotional style is not true. I only get very irritated when I'm under a lot of stress and pressure. I tend to avoid being angry most of the time and try for a more peaceful solution.
In the website Personality Lab in Deal with it, it stated that my self-esteem is low (5%). My shame-prone personality is high (77%). My guilt prone and pride prone are 59 and 42 percent respectfully. I think this test is pretty unreal. It gave me such a low self-esteem when most of the time I don't think negative.
On the online EQ test, I scored a 36, so I'm slightly above the average. However, I don't think this test is valid since I do not have a job and I can't really explain how I feel about the manger since I don't work.
Ooh, I am introverted too, according to Jung Test. Only I am more protective. Interesting test result.
these tests were reallyy intrestingg lol i like how you went into detaill about all the results!
woww, your post is very thorough and your explanations are clear. Good job! i dont think the tests are that believable either.
I love the way you explained each test! Most of the traits you received fit, in my opinion! =) Very well done
I wanted to take the EQ test but didnt have enough time and two of the people around me were taking it and they felt rushed and also felt it was not accurate.
looks clean and neat,with detailed info and notes at the end,good post
You seemed to take more personality tests than I did. I liked the way you questioned the validity of them
I like how you explained your tests.
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